WROL Irish 950am has been the platform to have played for the first time many of the well-known Irish music bands and artists that Boston is famous for. These are the men and women who have dedicated their livelihoods to keeping the Irish music ALIVE and CELEBRATED in our local Boston community. They are the ones you see and hear on the stages and stools of our pubs, restaurants, festivals, and events. They are heard every weekend on our radio station and our stream and they travel throughout our city, state country and world, sharing and celebrating Irish music. Over the years, we have lovingly labeled them our “Backyard Brilliance”.
WROL Irish 950am supports all of these wonderful musician and artists and have created for these musicians a digital platform for your entertainment. Every Saturday night at 7pm, you can access your own virtual concert with Boston’s best local Irish bands. You can now listen to the best Irish music from Boston’s backyard Brilliance in your own backyard if you’d like – Blow them up on your big screen, turn the speakers up and enjoy the craic!
If you are interested in being featured on our Backyard Brilliance, well we would love to hear from you – this is a free service to all of our musicians, bands, artists and listeners so contact us through the website at www.wrolirish950.com .